StarWoman's Lady Eclipse Tarot Review

The Lady Eclipse Tarot
by Maralee Fox-Heins
Five ***** Stars

Once in awhile you'll find a rare gem among the rubble of ordinary rocks which describes exactly how I felt when I found the Lady Eclipse Tarot. I'd been looking for a new deck for some time but I wanted something different from the usual humdrum selection. My sister needed a particular incense but the shop she usually goes to was out of what she wanted so we decided to try out a different occult shop. Fate must have been smiling on us that day because this is where we encountered the magnificent Lady Eclipse Tarot. We were instantly drawn to the unusual but nonetheless gorgeous packaging which complemented the cards perfectly. Maralee had such a warm and friendly manner as she signed the specially designed hangtags on the deck packages. I couldn't wait so I opened mine in the car and my eyes were filled with such a beautiful presentation I've yet to see duplicated. The bag was made of luxurious midnight blue silk velvet and lined with silver velvet but even more impressive was the hand painted in silver eclipse on the front with Lady Eclipse Tarot and the deck number actually embroidered onto it using silver metallic thread. The drawstring was also made of a metallic silver fabric and there were two celestial shaped glass beads adorning it. After removing the cards from their breathtaking bag, I was immediately overwhelmed; I knew this was no ordinary deck. My sister actually had to pull over to the side of the road so she could stop and look at the cards because she was so in awe of the Lady Eclipse Tarot! The cards felt perfect in my hands as if they'd always belonged there. They were so smooth to touch and had the perfect protective finish. The artwork was positively mesmerizing, with each card conveying a very distinct and personal message that has stayed with me to this very day. I couldn't take my eyes off of them and had no intention of putting them down. I've never been so moved by a deck before (even though my collection is quite large) but now that its happened, it's going to be one tough act to follow. The Lady Eclipse Tarot is my constant companion and I love reading with it. I wish you could experience the stunning presentation and feeling of having this magnificent deck in your hands but it sold out the same day my sister and I bought ours. I recommend adding it to your wishlist though because you never know, you might just get lucky someday and find one for sale somewhere. But until that time comes, Maralee does have other fascinating decks to offer so be sure to put her site in your favorites.

Copyright © 2003 StarWoman

Links to my other reviews of her incredible decks:

My Preview Of Maralee's One-Of-A-Kind C. C. Deck

Read My Review Of Maralee's Remarkable Soul Reflections Tarot Collector's Edition

Read My Review of Maralee's Awesome Online Austin Powers Tarot

I'm one of the few chosen to pre-review Maralee's top secret C. C. Deck.


Maralee's tarot spreads book is being published too:


Use the banner to see Maralee's unique deck creations for yourself:


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